Friday 29 November 2013


It's been quite  awhile. Lots has happened, most of it really good.

Brian and I went to Italy for a month this summer leaving Bryn alone. We were anxious about doing it but it turned out so well. Bryn stepped up and took care of things very well, even while using our home as a hostel for his friends. That worried me a bit but when  we returned we were rewarded for our faith in him to see the house in great shape, he and the cats in great shape. (there were a couple of broken things, just small items). He loved it and it was a real win for all of us.

In September Bryn started University at Capilano U, taking the film program. He was 1/120 chosen out of 400 applicants and is doing extremely well. Loves it passionately. He gets up at 6:30 a.m. to take a 90 min. busride. If you knew Bryn, you'd realize how amazing this is. He hated mornings during high school, could hardly get out of bed, but his love of what he is doing makes him continue to do whatever it takes, his marks are top of the class. But the best thing is that he is doing exactly what he wants to do and realizing himself fully and happily. After years of minimum progress ins school due to anxiety and illness , he is getting  90% plus and not missing any school. He has not been sick for months. We are now certain that a lot of what seemed like illness was depression and grief about getting hit with an AI syndrome. He is over that now, using and sharing his experience as inspiration.

Occasionally he gets afraid, not often, but of course we support and listen to him, and he moves on. Occasionally he gets a "real" illness, with real symptoms and we realize again he was depressed and overwhelmed. We worked hard as did he, emotionally, to support him and get him counselling and he managed to recover from the grief and move on. There were many days, months, even years, I didn't know if he would move on, he was so stuck. We just put one foot in front of the other and kept going, faith. Faith, to us meaning, believing in that which we could not prove. Believing in an emotionally healed and happy Bryn. Loving him even though it was so difficult at times. He stills sees Eva, our counsellor, once a month. He loves checking in with her and she makes sure his body is balanced and trauma is low. He remains very self-aware, an amazing thing for such a young man. This will hold him for life.

It is amazing, beyond words, to be where we are now. To see him happy, passionate, following his dreams and realizing them. To see him unafraid, socially active and excited, and doing all that he wants to for his future.

Good news!

Best wishes to all,
