Friday 23 November 2012

Last night Bryn had what is becoming thankfully very rare,  - a meltdown. We are asking him to be off his video games and Skype 40 minutes before bed so he can wind down. He is not happy about this - all his friend are on until they go to bed and he wants to do the same. Also he made a deal with me to stay up late last Friday night if he got off games at 10:40 p.m. this week. He doesn't like to keep his deals.  When I told him we would turn the Internet off if he didn't get off he blew up.
He started slamming his bedroom door which is awful -we live in a townhouse and it is very disturbing to the neighbors. I put my hands on the door to stop the slam from being so hard and stupidly got my fingers caught in the door as it slammed. One nail was pulled right off and the other is very bruised. Bryn didn't mean to do this, but these are the things that can happen when someone goes ballistic.

Bryn was very upset and this became a good moment, after I had stopped writhing in pain for him to look at himself some more. Why is he so attached to the games and being on multi-player until bedtime that he would go off the deep end? What is going on deep inside that he is this desperate? I know he uses the games as a kind soothing mechanism for his anxieties around feeling different and afraid because of ALPS. I am not happy about this but am hoping the therapy he is doing will eventually move him to get off this by himself, as he heals emotionally.

Now I have been to emerg. and had an x-ray and my finger tip is fractured. I have to give up my clarinet playing for the time being, my orchestra concert on Dec. 1 which happens to include a piece that I fell in love with at the age of 9 or 10, the Grand Canyon Suite, which led to my love of orchestral music - it felt so full circle. My quintet is starting up again after 6 weeks off and I can't do that. These are my passions, loves and where my friends are, the things that I do. Teaching will be difficult too, without being able to play my clarient It's a real bummer.

Well, no one said parenting is easy. PArenting my son with the complications of ALPS is even harder. This was certainly an accident. I really love this boy. Damn it! Life....


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